Subsites are a collection of categories and articles with a home page and their own navigation.
- MainCategories: 0 Articles: 0 △
- The universe is really large, and we on earth appear to be such really small parts of it. This site is about how we can begin to reconcile these two perspectives into a single coherent view.
- Being
Categories: 7 Articles: 65 △
- Many try to bend us to their will by presenting their ideals of what we should be, but we can choose our own way and learn to be all that we can be on our own terms.
- Politics
Categories: 13 Articles: 160 △
- Politics is about how we govern ourselves, and how we make changes to that.
- Tech
Categories: 6 Articles: 32 △
- Science and technology have progressed exponentially over the last half century, providing us with new opportunities, but also a lot of problems, as usage scales up to be able to affect the planet.