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Latest articles: Politics


The latest articles for this subsite.

Affordable housing
Being able to buy houses has long been a dream for most, but its advantage for investment has over-inflated prices.
Judgement day
We see so many people who seem to have chosen to believe in some delusional world that is not part of the reality of this planet. Welcome to Judgement Day!
The violence is already normalised!
Many people are fretting over the public response to the assassination of the UnitedHealthcare CEO, and what it means for civil society.
Meritocracy – the poisoned chalice
Many claim our modern Western societies are meritocracies, but are they, and would a true meritocracy be any better?
Political bias reference point4-quadrant political bias map
When we need to make political decisions, as when voting or what we choose to read, we are making our choice around some idea of what the balance point is, but is it really balanced?
Don't stand with psychopaths
With the genocide in Gaza, we are seeing the politicians and others who are willing to stand with the psychopaths perpetrating it.
Saving the future
The earth will not wait for us to change our ways, so we must change them quickly if we are to survive as a species.
Standing with psychopaths
We are seeing Israel committing genocide but not held to account by many who profess concern for human rights. This is the dystopian world that supporting psychopaths creates.
Many billionaires say that they are concerned about the long-term survival of the human race. No, it's just another con to keep the focus on them.
Is the US a failing democracy?
The only answer is yes!
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