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Latest articles: Tech


The latest articles for this subsite.

What is it about records?
Digital forms of music have taken over from analog, but there is still a devoted following of records.
Modern technology is fragile
Modern technology is mostly computer-based, and so is only a keystroke away from being unusable.
Divitis – its overlooked cause
Much has been made of the very-unsemantic div HTML tag being overused on the web. Well, it is because of a simple inconsistent choice made very early on.
Best energy sources
With so much concern for global warming, there is much debate about what the best sources of energy are for countering the rising temperatures.
No coding is coding
Many hope to avoid traditional coding by using so-called no-coding frameworks.
Audio recording
Audio recording has its own special requirements for hardware that are the opposite of almost every other computer use.
Using an 8K TV as a monitor
It may seem like overkill, but an 8K TV allows the sort of smooth rendering of text that makes using a computer all day a lot less of a strain.
Agile has become a fraud
From its inception, the Agile methodology has taken over software development within enterprises, but has it really?
Technology and the loss of agency
We are increasingly dependent upon technology for more of lives, but we are not getting any better equipped for life.
TCL 43P725 - 16bit colour?
The 43P725 does not appear to provide true 24bit/pixel colour, making it unsuitable for use as a computer monitor, but maybe also for closeup solo viewing.
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