Categories: Politics
Categories group related articles together, and this page lists all the categories available for this subsite.
- At the precipice19
- We are seeing that the social systems that we evolved are not serving the general wellbeing of people. What had led us here?
- Australian politics8
- The Australian people have started turning their backs on right-wing propaganda, but are they ready to chart their own way.
- Building the future17
- There is much that needs to change to mitigate against climate change, but we must build more people-centred societies to make it a reality.
- Business12
- Business has evolved from just being one person's vocation, to rivaling nations, so how do we make sure that that genie is still the servant.
- Challenges17
- There are many challenges to peace to societies and the world as a whole.
- Dark triads damage society18
- Societies have always had those we have been told to look up to because they were supposedly worthy of being in charge, but they are not!
- Democracy under seige16
- Around the world, democracies are under challenge by right-wing reactionary forces fed by funding from wealthy individuals who want to expand their privilege.
- Education3
- Education is our attempts to prepare ourselves for living in the world. That can lead to conformity or freedom, but usually somewhere in between.
- Entertainment12
- Entertainment has provided us with distractions from the problems of the world, but are its various forms just helping to create them instead.
- Good government18
- Democratic government means that people decide who they want as their representatives, and hopefully how those representatives govern the country, but how do we guarantee that?
- People-centred politics10
- The terms right-wing and left-wing have so permeated our political discourse that they have blinded us to the right political perspective to have for people to thrive.
- Public health5
- One of the duties of a democratic government is to protect the health of its citizens, but is often hijacked by economic interests.
- The Middle East5
- The troubles in the Middle East encapsulates all the issues humanity has had to deal with.