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Pondering the universe

by Patanjali Sokaris

Building a unified view


The universe is really large, and we on earth appear to be such really small parts of it. This site is about how we can begin to reconcile these two perspectives into a single coherent view.

Hello, I am Patanjali Sokaris, and I just want to add my few thoughts and words to the billions of others on the planet! I don't expect you to believe me, but I hope I give you something to think about.[1]

There is so much going on in the world today, and many seem to be having difficulty scaling their thoughts to encompass the realities of a whole world of interactions, let alone the rest of the universe. I believe that there is so much opportunity at this time to make a world we can see as one, but we have to resist those who seek to divide us just to avoid expanding their own consciousness.

I believe there is no going back to a simpler time, as I don't believe that serves the destiny of the earth. We all need to step up to what the planet requires of us, or it will take us out of the equation, in order to protect itself. The planet can survive without us, but we cannot survive without a planet that supports us at our current state of evolution. There is no other planet that can possibly be a plan B for but a very few of us, so we must look after this one for our survival.

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