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8. Federal government

The federal government looks after the country as a whole. It aims to provide consistency of government to all citizens, and a consistent face to other countries.

The federal government consists of two chambers:

  1. a.Legislative – creates laws which govern the behaviour of citizens.
  2. b.Executive – checks and can veto laws.

The legislature:

  1. a.There are no electorates, only the country as a whole.
  2. b.Is elected every four years by popular vote of all first-class citizens.
  3. c.Only votes according to the independent conscience of each elected representative.
  4. d.Decides the portfolios, each by 60% vote.
  5. e.Elect the ministers for each portfolio, each by 60% vote.
  6. f.Ministers direct the policies of the bureacracy administering their portfolio according to the laws.
  7. g.Elects the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, each by 60%, to represent the government as the official national leaders.
  8. h.Can form committees to frame legislation, providing their terms of reference, powers of investigation, and reporting timeframe are explicitly specified.

The executive:

  1. a.There are no electorates, only the country as a whole.
  2. b.Is elected every four years, two years out of sync with the legislature, by popular vote of all first-class citizens.
  3. c.Only votes according to the independent conscience of each elected representative.
  4. d.Can only approve or deny legislation.
  5. e.Appoints and dismisses the judiciary, as required, each by 70% vote, according to criteria specified in the constitution.
  6. f.Elects the president, as Head of State, and Vice-President, to act in specific ways in specified emergency situations.
  7. g.Can form committees to examine legislation, providing their terms of reference, powers of investigation, and reporting timeframe are explicitly specified, with each member and chairperson decided by 60% vote.

Standing committees must be provided for:

  1. a.Determining the practical considerations involved in transitions between existing and proposed legal arrangements.
  2. b.Periodically examining the fairness and effectiveness of the laws, as well as their compliance with the constitution.
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