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15. Elections

Elections provide an opportunity for citizens to decide who will represent them. To prevent manipulation and undue influence by influential people and groups, elections need to be carefully regulated.

The basic rules around elections are:

  1. a.Only first-class citizens older than 18 years can stand for government, regardless of any restrictions placed on their behaviour.
  2. b.Voting for federal and local governments is compulsory.
  3. c.All election campaign funding and logistical support is provided by the bureacracy.
  4. d.Private donations or sponsoring for consideration are not allowed, and especially not by political parties or other lobby groups.
  5. e.Candidates must have 1000 signatories of elegible voters endorsing them of their own free will.
  6. f.Candidate can list their philosophy and outlook, strengths on a publically-provided website for that purpose.
  7. g.Each candidate has their entire previous law voting history listed, for federal and local government, so people can see their record of performance.
  8. h.Each candidate has their relevant pecuniary interests listed, so voters can see whether they have conflicts of interest.

It is particularly important that each candidate does not have conflicts of loyalty, such as is the case with those that belong to political parties in most democracies, or countries that pretend to be so.

The numbers of elected representatives needed is a balance of:

  1. a.Granularity of representation.
  2. b.Efficiency of the processes.
  3. c.Cost of provision.
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