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Pondering the universe


Category: The Middle East


The troubles in the Middle East encapsulates all the issues humanity has had to deal with.

Real peace in the Middle East
The official position taken by many governments is that a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict will bring peace.
Gaza is not in a war
Israel has been describing its battle with Hamas as a war. No, it is an asymmetric annihilation of a peoples for its own power.
Israel – stand with psychopaths
Israel was created with the intent of being an apartheid racist genocidal ethno-state. Those that choose to support it are complicit in this goal and are anti-humanitarian.
Israel – the face of change
Israel is seen by many as a nation to be admired, but that is not why it will bring changes.
One-China and the two-state hypocrisy
On one hand we have symbolic acquiescence to recognising only one China, but have a push to split Israel and Palestine as a two-state solution. So why these seemingly disparate solutions?
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